Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Sad Demise of the Male Chauvinist

I really can't help it if the title seems to have been lifted straight out of some kind of an obituary, for this post is going to be about the now-extinct Male-Chauvinist species which used to roam about freely upon this planet till about two decades ago.

The kind of men I'm talking about here, used to be the ones who could be seen opening the doors for their wives/girlfriends/female acquaintances; they drew out chairs for women, and stood behind them while they sat down; they were well-groomed, and could be noticed from afar in a crowd; they chatted pleasantly with women and genuinely seemed interested in what they had to say, no matter how trivial it was in reality; and most importantly, they footed the bills(just joking!).

Those fine men of yore have now been somehow replaced by brash, loud, unfeeling cads who have little idea as to how to go about behaving in the presence of members of the fairer sex. They are in some serious need of grooming lessons along with tutorials on "How to Carry Yourself with Elegance in Public". What's more, they have no clue that they actually resemble tramps when they are dressed-up in those hippie-style clothes, and that they can actually look presentable in carefully-chosen casual-wear and formal-wear.

Maybe these men should try and take a leaf out of their grandfathers' diaries and try to learn a thing or two about "How to Behave Like a Gentleman".

But then, coming to think about it, maybe it's not about dressing-up elegantly, or opening-up the doors, or drawing-out the chairs, or saying the right things, or even declining to go Dutch; maybe it's just about the long-forgotten tradition of being nice to women and giving them the respect which is due to them. I guess, this one ability is what is totally missing in today's men, generally speaking. It is the whole-and-sole thing which makes us women wonder if chauvinism is actually dead and buried. Maybe this is what makes us look at the male-crowd of the present-day and then shake our heads dejectedly at the "Fall of Man".

I hope all you "gentlemen" out there, are listening!!


  1. After reading your post, felt compelled to say a few words in defiance of the so called 'chauvinistic male' species which according to you is extinct. I might not fully execute that idea yet. The reason being I have proof of the existence of such men, though they number a few yet they remain strong with their principles and traditions. Though my profession doesn't gives me the opportunity to socialize much but from what I can gather is that such men do present themselves, ,although rarely. they believe that their ways are extinct and promoting such acts of respect are a thing of past which might cause them their remaining social life. Where hip and cool define the norms for relationship today, these men reserve the warmth within them and for the people close to them.
    so my advice to you is that regain your faith if you have lost and give life a little chance to present them before you. I am sure you will be mesmerized. But then your search should be true.
    happy hunting

  2. I guess you are right when you say that such men may feel the peer-pressure in terms of how they behave with women, and people, in general. They might feel compelled to present themselves in a certain way. But then, I also hope that someday I will come across a few of such people, and my faith in the existence of chauvinism would be restored.
